Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How to Mend a Broken Heart with an Empty Stomach

Zephyrin Tsoi

There will always be that day, when someone you love walks away, that leaves. Everyone goes through a breakup whether it’s a family member, a friend or even a significant other. But most of all, it’s usually the one you loved that hurts the most. 

It’ll feel like nothing in the world will make things better. As if life had no meaning anymore. You start to think about what you did wrong that caused them to walk away. You start to wonder what it was that caused them to let go, to stop trying. What was the reason for walking away from something that you thought was so special, so right, so perfect? What became of ‘us’?

While reminiscing through old photographs, therapeutic phone calls to friends and crying your heart out, it’s time for some serious comfort food. At that very moment, the best support to have is a gleaming metal spoon and a charming tub of Breyers' Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream to stop the tears. There’s no time to think about calories, bloating or weight gain but to become completely indulged in comforting yourself. Ice cream is always the first choice because of its sweetness and savory taste that melts in your mouth. It’s comforting to know that there is still something out there that can sweeten up your senses when everything just seems too bitter. 

After the first stage of the temporary frozen tears, it’s time to move on to the second choice, pasta. The feeling of carbs entering your stomach to fill all the emptiness that’s been filling up inside. The satisfaction of having a full stomach of protein and carbs feels incredibly great. Just like how McLuhan mentioned the theory of “the outering of our senses”, eating is like another way relieve the stress from our system. It's about the outering of our collective central nervous system that's overstimulated from the pace and intensity of the modern world. 

Zephyrin Tsoi
The last stage is the recovery stage. After eating all these sweets and carbs, it’s time to take a step down and proceed with the food that makes you feel and look good. This is the time to go look for food that regenerates you and help you take on the day without any troubles. At this stage, the list of comfort food is regularly large. It starts with vegetable soup, yogurts, protein shakes, oaks parfait, and fruit salads. Then as the day gets longer, it's good to have a nice cup of hot cocoa that's filled with "a soothing chocolate fix that provides protein and calcium," like Jenny mentioned in her article. 

Break-ups always require an intense recovery period, the one that requires friends and family to be there with a large selection of your favorite comfort foods. The best part is not about the different stages of food that you also get to enjoy but the fact that there are so many people standing by your side that want to see you smile again.

 It's not about the pain that you have to deal with, it's about the amount of time you want to spend feeling that pain reliving the past, or starting over with a new beginning to another chapter of your life. 

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