Monday, September 24, 2012

What is EMOD?

Zephyrin Tsoi

Partially Emotional, Partially Food...This is EMOD.

There are many ways to express ourselves, but how should we do it? Should we speak our minds, gesture our thoughts or taste our emotions?

"shy" -zephyrin tsoi

msg - you are fat!
"vitamins vs calories" -zephyrin tsoi
Food is an essential part of life that gives us energy, happiness, joy, pain, etc. There are multiple ways to utilize food as your communication tool depending on what you're eating, when you're eating and how much you're eating. Sometimes the most common methods of communication, verbal/written/contact, are undesirable to the given situation and the delivery through food may yield the most favorable result. Communication through food can be indirect, calm and casual depending on how it's conveyed by the receiver. You may combine existing communication methods, such as written, and manipulate the food to literally display your hidden emotions by words or by doodling faces.

We already understand that faces express freely how one may feel. Clearly, a frowning face would mean sadness and a grinning face would mean happiness. Just like food, many perspectives are already set in peoples heads. When a girl is sitting in her room eating a tub of ice cream, others will eventually assume that they are depressed. When one orders a salad for their main course, people's minds are set that they are on a diet and attempting to lose weight. The most common setting is when one goes out at night, to a bar or pub, and drinks to the point where they puke, blackout, and can't remember anything that happened that night. But really, what do all these food say for them? Can people determine what message they are trying to send  to each other by looking at what they are eating and drinking?

"3 tier choco cake" - steve (oui, chef)
For instance, alcohol can be used as a way to relieve stress, to lower the levels of consciousness and allow people to speak their minds freely. The effectiveness of utilizing food as a form of
communication just emphasizes the commonly used idiom stating, "a picture is worth a thousand words", as it is able to deliver the message stimulating all five senses. The appearance of the food, the sensations felt with the captivating aroma, the crisp sound of a knife hitting the bacon, the fork plunging into a three tier chocolate mousse cake and finally the savoury taste fills your mouth with joy. Food is a type of nourishing for one's mind and body but it can also reveal to others how you may be feeling or what you may be thinking about depending on your expressions and your food choice.

So the next time you decide to choose what to eat on the menu and you don't want anyone to know how your feeling, remember that what you end up choosing is saying something no matter how hard you try to hide it.

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